Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Updates - Good News

You guys are the greatest. I've never seen prayer and positive energy work so well and so fast. My son Kris had good news from his lawyer. He was supposed to have a preliminary review of his Disability case on the 8th. His lawyer was able to push up his final review to August 2nd. He should have it finalized then. Looks like there will not be a problem.

However he found out that he has to get permission from his State to have the surgery in Cleveland. They don't go across states unless they can't get the service anywhere else. And he might have to prove that. Minor compared to what has been happening.

Don't give up the thoughts yet, but you guys are my rocks. Also if you could send a little of that energy to my laptop that croaked, that would be just great. LOVE You all!


Pili said...

Sending all sorts of positive thoughts to you guys!

akaCINDERS said...

Looks like my laptop might work with a USB mouse. Fingers crossed.

vintage eye said...

continuing to send positive disability hearing outcome energy & sprinkles of good heart & computer health dust!

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