Just wanted to update what I know about what is going on with my son. He is to have his third disability review on August 8th. This time he will have a lawyer with him. He has to pay 20% of his back pay to get the lawyer, and that is just how the stinking rotten system works. You can't get it if you don't have a lawyer and you have to pay an arm and a leg to get one.
Usually Disability goes through the second or third review. Kris skipped step one, because he moved from one state to anther. How and why it works that way, who knows.
I know I've been asking for a lot from you all, but positive energy and any kind of prayers would be absolutely wonderful as he has this next review.
That's all - and thanks for everything.
I hope this time everything goes through the way it should. :)
sending + energy & good thoughts! :)
sending lots of good vibes, Cinders!
Will be thinking of you both and hoping for a positive outcome!
Prayers and good energy on their way right now!
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