Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I haven't much to say today. The whole day I was listening to news, reading news, and watching news. I was doing other things, but I was keeping up with the day's events. The shooting that took place at Chardon High School is just a few miles from my home. The Walmart that they used as a triage is My Walmart. And the School is one we were recently considering sending my Grandson to. This is hitting a little too close to home.

I won't say much more, only that no matter how mature and sensible you think your teenagers are, they all have the ability to be confused, or hurt, or angry in an instant. No matter what you think, your teenager can be unintentionally hurtful, or confused enough to hurt back. Don't let them just sit in their room with their computers, talk to them about life and what they think about the world. They won't want to talk to you, but it's important that you let them know how you feel about things.

A boy in my son's High School class killed himself in his grandparents garage. A girl in my daughter's class, took her friends out for a drunken joy ride, and killed herself. I know the girls mother and she was a good woman and mother.

Follow your kids on Facebook and Twitter.

I am so sorry for the family of DannyParmertor who lost his life today. I am also sorry for the young man who did the shooting, because I think he was confused and didn't really realize the end result of his actions. His life is lost too.

And to the families of Russell King Jr and Demetrius Hewlin. And all their loved ones. 

1 comment:

Maiden Jane said...

So sad. I know of too many instances of teen suicides, teen drug overdoses, teen murders, ....

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