Monday, November 28, 2011

Life on Mars - Family Dinners and Black Friday Shopping

So we decided we were going to have the Thanksgiving dinner ourselves and not go over to Poppy's in laws because - well their house and cleaning habits are - well - I'm not going to say really. Lets just say I don't like sitting an barely wiped off cat barf, drinking out of greasy glasses, or having their huge dogs nose in my crotch while I'm trying to pretend I'm eating somewhere else.

While our house is not the greatest, our cats will not jump on the table while we are eating and we can manage to keep the room we're eating in clean for at least a day. Although we do have a lot of clutter, it's clean clutter.

Then, on Wednesday, boy child #1 says "Grandma is swearing and having a fit because our house is filthy and she doesn't want to have dinner over at our house." So I immediately take over some extra food we had for them and trip over the junk in the hall and say, "Wow this hall is really a mess" and look in the living room and say "Good thing we're having dinner. Looks like you wouldn't have had time to clean up everything anyway." All in a very pleasant tone with a big smile on my face.

Poppy and I were busy with the baby, cleaning and setting up everything for dinner. Poppy spent a little time next door and came back stating that MIL won't be coming to dinner, because she's had runs for 4 days. Well I happen to know that's not true, because the first day she was helping us with the baby, the second day I took her up to the church, and the third day she was just bitching about our house and never said a word about being sick.

Poppy told her that if she was sick for so long, that maybe she should go to the hospital and maybe if it's that bad Luna better go to the doctor and get checked too. Later that day MIL came over and said she wasn't sick when she was watching Luna and she could probably come to dinner because she hadn't been sick all day, even though she just said she was a few hours earlier.

Even though it was an insane and crazy morning and afternoon, when it came time for dinner, the house was beautiful, the food was fantastic and everyone had a great time. No fights, no fuss. MIL said grace, because we don't know any, FIL said the house seemed bigger that theirs (even though it's half the size, it's just cleaner) and the kids actually sat quietly for a minute and enjoyed their meal. A perfect end to a crazy week.

Poppy and Luna took a nap before they went out shopping with Daddy at 10 PM to 3 AM. They want to several stores to price match the Best Buy ads. She only got a few things and some of the stores didn't give them all the matched prices.

At 9 AM I went online and found almost everything she wanted at Best Buy. She ordered there and now she has to return the other things. lol Next year do your Black Friday shopping from the living room Poppy!

Happy Holidays!


Pili said...

Glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving, and got some good deals doing the shopping online and avoiding the crazy crowds!

Maiden Jane said...

Hehe, your life is like a sitcom really....I'm glad you had a nice meal! I don't venture out on Black Friday and I used to go crazy buying things, finding them cheaper, returning. Now when I get something I cross it off my list. I've been fooled way too many times by ads, etc, and decided all the running around is not worth it. I haven't started shopping yet. Hate it.

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